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blonde girl posing in front of the window

Blonde Girl Posing In Front Of The Window

Grids or Muntins
These are the pieces of framing that separate a larger window into smaller panes. In older windows, large panes of glass were quite expensive, so muntins allowed smaller panes to fill a larger space. In modern windows, light-colored muntins still provide a useful function by reflecting some of the light going through the window, making the window itself a source of diffuse light (instead of just the surfaces and objects illuminated within the room). By increasing the indirect illumination of surfaces near the window, muntins tend to brighten the area immediately around a window and reduce the contrast of shadows within the room.

File information
Album name:Babes
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:#blonde #girl #posing #front #window
Filesize:85 KiB
Date added:Mar 25, 2011
Dimensions:800 x 1035 pixels
Displayed:113 times
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