Young Brunette Girl In The Wooden Bathroom
A bathroom is a room that may have different functions depending on the culturalist context. In the most literal sense, the word bathroom means "a room with a bath". Because the traditional bathtubs have partly made way for modern showers, including steam showers, the more general definition is "a room where one bathes".
There can be just a shower (or shower-bath), just a bath (or bathtub) or both; and often both plumbing fixtures are combined in the bathtub. The room may also contain a sink (or wash basin or hand basin), a lavatory and a bidet.
In the United States, "bathroom" commonly means "a room containing a lavatory". In other countries this is usually called the "toilet" or alternatively "water closet" (WC), lavatory or "loo". The word "bathroom" is also used in the U.S. for a public toilet (the more formal U.S. term being "restroom").