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red haired girl at the old horse stable

Red Haired Girl At The Old Horse Stable

The stable is typically historically the second oldest building type on the farm. Free-standing stables began to be built from the 16th century. They were well built and placed near the house due to the value that the horses had as draught animals. High-status examples could have plastered ceilings to prevent dust falling through into the horses’ eyes. Complete interiors – with stalls, mangers and feed racks – of the 19th century and earlier are rare.
Historical stables in Great Britain had a hayloft on the first floor and a pitching door at the front. Doors and windows were symmetrically arranged. Interior was divided into stalls - a large stall was for a foaling mare or sick horse. The floors were cobbled, and later of brick, with drainage channels laid across the floors. Outside steps to the first floor were common for farm hands to live in the building.

File information
Album name:Babes
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:#red #haired #girl #old #horse #stable
Filesize:125 KiB
Date added:Sep 10, 2011
Dimensions:598 x 880 pixels
Displayed:152 times
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