Dark Blonde Girl Strips Her Bikini Swimsuit In The Backyard
Men's swimsuits developed roughly in parallel to women's during this period, with the shorts covering progressively less. Eventually racing-style "speedo" suits became popular—and not just for their speed advantages. Thongs, G-strings, and bikini style suits are also worn, typically these are more popular in more tropical regions; however, they may also be worn at public swimming pools and inland lakes. But in the 1990s, longer and baggier shorts became popular, with the hems often reaching to the knees. These were often worn lower on the hips than regular shorts.
Alternatives to swimsuits
Some women prefer to engaging in water or sun activities with the torso uncovered. The practice is often described as "toplessness" or "topfreedom". Some people prefer not to wear any swimsuit when engaging in such activities. In some places around the world, nude beaches have been set aside for people who choose to engage in normal beach activities in the nude.