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young blonde girl shows off big natural breasts in the corner

Young Blonde Girl Shows Off Big Natural Breasts In The Corner

In ice hockey, the rink does not have any corners. It is an oval and therefore cannot have a corner.
A corner is also used in geography, such as the Four Corners Monument in the United States, marking the corner of state boundary lines.
In most fighting video games, the edge of the stage is referred to as the "corner," because much like a corner in a wall, it is typically a disadvantageous position, which allows for more combination attacks and makes escaping offensive pressure significantly more difficult.

File information
Album name:Babes
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:#young #blonde #girl #shows #big #natural #breasts #corner
Filesize:86 KiB
Date added:Nov 25, 2011
Dimensions:796 x 1178 pixels
Displayed:331 times
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