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young brunette girl strips her blue dress in the bed

Young Brunette Girl Strips Her Blue Dress In The Bed

• A futon is a traditional style of Japanese bed that is also available in a larger Western style.
• A four poster bed is a bed with four posts, one in each corner, that support a tester.
• A hammock is a piece of suspended fabric.
• A hideaway bed, invented by Sarah E. Goode in response to the needs of apartment-dwellers, folds up into another piece of furniture, such as a shelf or desk, when not in use.

File information
Album name:Babes
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:#young #brunette #girl #strips #her #blue #dress #bed
Filesize:60 KiB
Date added:Apr 03, 2012
Dimensions:800 x 529 pixels
Displayed:161 times
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