Young Brunette Girl With A Pigtail And Strawberries In The Handbasket Undresses Her Pink Bra And Short Jeans Outside On The Open Glade Area
Sweetness, fragrance and complex flavor are consistent favorable attributes of the “ideal” strawberry experience. In plant breeding and manufacturing, emphasis is placed on sugars, acids, and volatile compounds, as these characteristics are primary sensory factors for taste and olfaction of a ripe strawberry to elicit the greatest sensory and hedonic responses from consumers. Esters, terpenes, and furans are chemical compounds having the strongest relationships to strawberry flavor and fragrance, with a total of 31 volatile compounds significantly correlated to strawberry hedonic intensity.
One serving (100 g) of strawberries contains approximately 33 kilocalories, is an excellent source of vitamin C, a good source of manganese, and provides several other vitamins and dietary minerals in lesser amounts.