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young red haired girl reveals her yellow sleeveless shirt, white skirt and thongs in the kitchen

Young Red Haired Girl Reveals Her Yellow Sleeveless Shirt, White Skirt And Thongs In The Kitchen

A spaghetti-strapped shirt is a tank top with strings or thin material on the shoulders to hold up the shirt. It is thought to have originated in 1920s England, and made fashionable by rich upper class men, but is now worn mainly by girls and young women. Also referred to as a vest top in British English.
• Camisole
A camisole is a sleeveless shirt for women, normally extending to the waist. The camisole is usually made of satin, nylon, or cotton.

File information
Album name:Babes
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:#young #red #haired #girl #reveals #her #yellow #sleeveless #shirt #white #skirt #thongs #kitchen
Filesize:63 KiB
Date added:Jun 07, 2018
Dimensions:776 x 478 pixels
Displayed:300 times
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