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young brunette girl undresses her jeans at the window

Young Brunette Girl Undresses Her Jeans At The Window

Used look created by sandblasting
Many consumers in Western societies are willing to pay extra for jeans that have the appearance of being used. To give the fabrics the right worn look sandblasting is used. Sandblasting has the risk of causing silicosis to the workers, and in Turkey, more than 5,000 workers in the textile industry have been stricken with this disease, and 46 people are known to have died. Sweden's Fair Trade Center conducted a survey among 17 textile companies that showed very few were aware of the dangers caused by sandblasting jeans manually. Several companies said they would abolish this technique from their own production.

File information
Album name:Babes
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:#young #brunette #girl #undresses #her #jeans #window
Filesize:86 KiB
Date added:Feb 16, 2010
Dimensions:800 x 1179 pixels
Displayed:224 times
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