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young dirty blonde girl going wet in the studio

Young Dirty Blonde Girl Going Wet In The Studio

The French term for studio, atelier, in addition to designating an artist's studio is used to characterize the studio of a fashion designer. Atelier also has the connotation of being the home of an alchemist or wizard.
Art studio
The studio of a successful artist, especially from the 15th to the 19th centuries, characterized all the assistants, thus the designation of paintings as "from the workshop of..." or "studio of..." An art studio is sometimes called an atelier, especially in earlier eras. In contemporary, English language use, "atelier" can also refer to the Atelier Method, a training method for artists that usually takes place in a professional artist's studio.

File information
Album name:Babes
Rating (4 votes):55555
Keywords:#young #dirty #blonde #girl #going #wet #studio
Filesize:205 KiB
Date added:Aug 23, 2010
Dimensions:797 x 1180 pixels
Displayed:242 times
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