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cute young blonde girl with long hair reveals her black chemise on the sofa chair

Cute Young Blonde Girl With Long Hair Reveals Her Black Chemise On The Sofa Chair

The term chemise or shift can refer to the classic smock, or else can refer to certain modern types of women's undergarments and dresses. In the classical usage it is a simple garment worn next to the skin to protect clothing from sweat and body oils, the precursor to the modern shirts commonly worn in Western nations.

File information
Album name:Babes
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:#cute #young #blonde #girl #long #hair #reveals #her #black #chemise #sofa #chair
Filesize:114 KiB
Date added:Dec 27, 2010
Dimensions:800 x 1190 pixels
Displayed:154 times
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