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young brunette girl outside on the ruins

Young Brunette Girl Outside On The Ruins

Entire cities have also been ruined, and some occasionally lost completely, to natural disasters. The ancient city of Pompeii was completely lost during a volcanic eruption in the 1st century CE, its uncovered ruins now preserved as a World Heritage Site. The city of Lisbon was totally destroyed in 1755 by a massive earthquake and tsunami, and the 1906 San Francisco earthquake left the city in almost complete ruin.
Deliberate destruction
Apart from acts of war, some important historic buildings have fallen victim to deliberate acts of destruction as a consequence of social, political and economic factors. The spoliation of public monuments in Rome was under way during the fourth century, when it was covered in protective legislation in the Theodosian Code and in new legislation of Majorian. and the dismantling increased once popes were free of imperial restrictions. Marble was still being burned for agricultural lime in the Roman Camapgna into the nineteenth century.

File information
Album name:Babes
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:#young #brunette #girl #outside #ruins
Filesize:144 KiB
Date added:May 24, 2011
Dimensions:800 x 1177 pixels
Displayed:84 times
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