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young brunette girl on the antique couch

Young Brunette Girl On The Antique Couch

Note that the word "antiquing" may also refer to the art of making an object appear antique through distressing or applying an antique looking paint application.
Antique furniture
The collecting of antique furniture is a particularly popular area of antiques due to the practical characteristics of these antiques. Antique furniture includes dining tables, chairs, bureaus, chests etc. The most common woods are mahogany, oak, pine, walnut and rosewood. Chinese antique furniture is often made with elm, a wood common to many regions in Asia. Each wood has its own distinctive grain and colour. Many modern pieces of furniture often use laminate or wood veneer to cheaply achieve the same effect. There are a number of different styles of antique furniture depending on when and where it was made. The most common include Arts & Crafts, Georgian, Regency American Pastoral, and Victorian.

File information
Album name:Babes
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:#young #brunette #girl #antique #couch
Filesize:58 KiB
Date added:Jun 23, 2011
Dimensions:800 x 522 pixels
Displayed:102 times
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