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blonde girl in the bathtub

Blonde Girl In The Bathtub

History of bathing
Documented early plumbing systems for bathing go back as far as around 3300 BC with the discovery of copper water pipes beneath a palace in the Indus Valley Civilization of ancient India. Evidence of the earliest surviving personal sized bath tub was found on the Isle of Crete where a 5-foot (1.5 m) long pedestal tub was found built from hardened pottery. This tub is the most likely forefather of the classic 19th century clawfoot tub.
The Roman Empire is most widely known as the early champions of bathing. Around 500 BC Roman citizens were encouraged to bathe daily in one of the many public baths. Private bathing rooms were far more ornate and typically would resemble shallow swimming pools that encompassed the entire room. The Romans used marble for the tubs, lead and bronze for pipes, and created a complex sewage system for sanitation purposes. The Roman empire set the early bar for modern personal hygiene.

File information
Album name:Babes
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:#blonde #girl #bathtub
Filesize:87 KiB
Date added:Jul 04, 2011
Dimensions:681 x 1002 pixels
Displayed:134 times
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