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blonde girl with pigtails posing in the nature

Blonde Girl With Pigtails Posing In The Nature

Most dictionaries still define "pigtail" as a single tight braid. However, many American English speakers use the term to describe two symmetrical bunches of hair on either side of the head, braided or not. In some cases, the term only applies to unbraided hair. This usage of the term can be seen on personal and professional websites devoted to hairstyles or even by typing "pigtails" into a search engine.
There are numerous styles of pigtails a person may wear their hair in. They may be braided, straightened, beaded, ribboned, fishtailed, and even French braided. Pigtails can be placed on different parts of a person's head: high, low, or to the side.

File information
Album name:Babes
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:#blonde #girl #pigtails #posing #nature
Filesize:185 KiB
Date added:Sep 20, 2011
Dimensions:742 x 970 pixels
Displayed:151 times
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