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young swedish blonde girl reveals in the bed with a blue scarf

Young Swedish Blonde Girl Reveals In The Bed With A Blue Scarf

Uses and types
In cold climates, a thick knitted scarf, often of wool, is tied around the neck to keep warm. This is usually accompanied by a warm hat and heavy coat.
In drier, dustier warm climates, or in environments where there are many airborne contaminants, a thin headscarf, kerchief, or bandanna is often worn over the head to keep the hair clean. Over time, this custom has evolved into a fashionable item in many cultures, particularly among women. The cravat, an ancestor of the necktie and bow tie, evolved from scarves of this sort in Croatia.

File information
Album name:Babes
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:#young #swedish #blonde #girl #reveals #bed #blue #scarf
Filesize:45 KiB
Date added:Sep 20, 2011
Dimensions:650 x 493 pixels
Displayed:114 times
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