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young blonde girl with tan lines reveals in the wooden cottage

Young Blonde Girl With Tan Lines Reveals In The Wooden Cottage

Occupation-related tan lines
• Farmer's tan
A farmer's tan is the tan lines developed by a working farmer regularly exposed to the sun. The farmer's tan is usually started with a sun tan covering only the arms and neck. It is distinct in that the shoulders, chest, and back remain unaffected by the sun. Similar tan lines include the "Texas tan", which is very similar, with the exception that the shoulders are also affected by the sun. The Texas tan is caused by working in the sun while wearing a muscle shirt or an A-shirt.

File information
Album name:Babes
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:#young #blonde #girl #tan #lines #reveals #wooden #cottage
Filesize:90 KiB
Date added:Nov 11, 2011
Dimensions:682 x 966 pixels
Displayed:203 times
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