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young blonde girl shows off on the field of daisy flowers

Young Blonde Girl Shows Off On The Field Of Daisy Flowers

It is not affected by mowing and is therefore often considered a weed on lawns, though many also value the appearance of the flowers. Several cultivars and hybrids have been selected with much larger flower heads up to 5–6 cm diameter and with light pink to purple-red ray florets.
Bellis perennis has astringent properties and has been used in folk medicine. In ancient Rome, the surgeons who accompanied Roman legions into battle would order their slaves to pick sacks full of daisies in order to extract their juice. Bandages were soaked in this juice and would then be used to bind sword and spear cuts.

File information
Album name:Babes
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:#young #blonde #girl #shows #field #daisy #flowers
Filesize:119 KiB
Date added:Dec 20, 2011
Dimensions:800 x 1184 pixels
Displayed:111 times
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