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young blonde girl shows off on the field of daisy flowers

Young Blonde Girl Shows Off On The Field Of Daisy Flowers

It is a herbaceous plant with short creeping rhizomes and small rounded or spoon-shaped evergreen leaves 2–5 cm long, which grow close to ground. The flowerheads are 2–3 cm in diameter, with white ray florets (often tipped red) and yellow disc florets. Although many people think that the flower had a yellow centre with white petals this is not the case. Each individual "petal" is itself an individual flower. In the centre there are many tiny yellow flowers also. The different colours and styles of flower work together in order to attract insects. This type of flower is known as a composite flower. They are produced on leafless stems 2–10 cm (rarely 15 cm) tall. The lawn daisy is a dicot.
It is thought that the name "daisy" is a corruption of "day's eye", because the whole head closes at night and opens in the morning. Chaucer called it "eye of the day".

File information
Album name:Babes
Rating (2 votes):55555
Keywords:#young #blonde #girl #shows #field #daisy #flowers
Filesize:215 KiB
Date added:Dec 20, 2011
Dimensions:800 x 1184 pixels
Displayed:140 times
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