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cute young brunette girl at the old brick wall ruins

Cute Young Brunette Girl At The Old Brick Wall Ruins

The compressive strength of bricks produced in the United States ranges from about 1000 lbf/in² to 15,000 lbf/in² (7 to 105 MPa or N/mm² ), varying according to the use to which the brick are to be put. In England clay bricks can have strengths of up to 100 MPa, although a common house brick is likely to show a range of 20–40 MPa.
Bricks are used for building and pavement. In the USA, brick pavement was found incapable of withstanding heavy traffic, but it is coming back into use as a method of traffic calming or as a decorative surface in pedestrian precincts. For example, in the early 1900s, most of the streets in the city of Grand Rapids, Michigan were paved with brick. Today, there are only about 20 blocks of brick paved streets remaining (totalling less than 0.5 percent of all the streets in the city limits).

File information
Album name:Babes
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:#cute #young #brunette #girl #old #brick #wall #ruins
Filesize:178 KiB
Date added:Dec 20, 2011
Dimensions:759 x 1072 pixels
Displayed:111 times
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