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young blonde girl with blue eyes reveals a jean skirt at the window

Young Blonde Girl With Blue Eyes Reveals A Jean Skirt At The Window

One style jeans skirts shares with jeans is the ripped or destroyed look, which is more common with short denim skirts than with long ones.
Another style shared with jeans and jeans cutoffs, but maybe even more popular in jeans skirts, is the rough hem. This is achieved by not hemming the skirt (or undoing or cutting off the existing hem) and washing the skirt by machine several times. The resulting edge of the skirt will have a frayed or unraveling look, popular with teenagers and young women. The longer unraveled threads are usually cut off for an even fuzzy look, but some teenagers leave them hanging on their shorter skirts.

File information
Album name:Babes
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:#young #blonde #girl #blue #eyes #reveals #jean #skirt #window
Filesize:88 KiB
Date added:Feb 13, 2012
Dimensions:799 x 1186 pixels
Displayed:113 times
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