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young blonde girl with blue eyes reveals a jean skirt at the window

Young Blonde Girl With Blue Eyes Reveals A Jean Skirt At The Window

Some are modeled after the exact style of jeans, with a front fly, belt loops, and back pockets. Others are constructed more like other types of skirts, with a column of front button, closures on the side or back, or elastic waists. And like jeans, skirts vary in shades of blue, ranging from very pale to very dark, or occasionally in other colors.
Jean skirts were first introduced in mainstream fashion lines in the 1970s, and since then, have grown in popularity. Today, jean skirts are one of the most common type of skirts worn by women in Western fashion.

File information
Album name:Babes
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:#young #blonde #girl #blue #eyes #reveals #jean #skirt #window
Filesize:88 KiB
Date added:Feb 13, 2012
Dimensions:799 x 1179 pixels
Displayed:146 times
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