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cute young blonde girl with a pink negligee and textiles on the wooden swing

Cute Young Blonde Girl With A Pink Negligee And Textiles On The Wooden Swing

On playgrounds, several swings are often suspended from the same metal or wooden frame, known as a swing set, allowing more than one child to play at a time. Such swings come in a variety of sizes and shapes. For infants and toddlers, swings with leg holes support the child in an upright position while a parent or sibling pushes the child to get a swinging motion. Some swing sets include play items other than swings - such as a rope ladder or sliding pole.
For older children, swings are sometimes made of a flexible canvas seat, of rubberized ventilated tire tread, of plastic, or of wood. A common backyard sight is of a wooden plank suspended on both sides by ropes from a tree branch. Older children can go much higher, sometimes over 15 feet (5 m) above the ground. In the United States, some adults go to the extreme and compete in the NSA, "National Swing Association", where competitors reach heights over 20 feet, while leaping at the peak of their swing.

File information
Album name:Babes
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:#cute #young #blonde #girl #pink #negligee #textiles #wooden #swing
Filesize:88 KiB
Date added:Apr 10, 2012
Dimensions:800 x 1189 pixels
Displayed:138 times
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