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young brunette girl reveals on the floor with a fur in front of the fireplace

Young Brunette Girl Reveals On The Floor With A Fur In Front Of The Fireplace

Newly constructed flues may feature a chase cover, a cap, and a spark arrestor at the top to keep small animals out and sparks from exiting the chimney cavity.
Ancient fire pits were sometimes built in the ground in the center of a hut or dwelling. Smoke escaped through holes in the roof. Smoke would be blown outside or back into the room. Chimneys, invented much later, partially fixed this problem, venting smoke outside.

File information
Album name:Babes
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:#young #brunette #girl #reveals #floor #fur #front #fireplace
Filesize:79 KiB
Date added:May 25, 2012
Dimensions:667 x 1000 pixels
Displayed:136 times
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