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brunette girl shows off her cowboy skills with a horse and colt revolver

Brunette Girl Shows Off Her Cowboy Skills With A Horse And Colt Revolver

A good stock horse is on the small side, generally under 15.2 hands (62 inches) tall at the withers and often under 1000 pounds, with a short back, sturdy legs and strong muscling, particularly in the hindquarters. While a steer roping horse may need to be larger and weigh more in order to hold a heavy adult cow, bull or steer on a rope, a smaller, quick horse is needed for herding activities such as cutting or calf roping. The horse has to be intelligent, calm under pressure and have a certain degree of 'cow sense" -- the ability to anticipate the movement and behavior of cattle.
Many breeds of horse make good stock horses, but the most common today in North America is the American Quarter Horse, which is a horse breed developed primarily in Texas from a combination of Thoroughbred bloodstock crossed on horses of Mustang and other Iberian horse ancestry, with influences from the Arabian horse and horses developed on the east coast, such as the Morgan horse and now-extinct breeds such as the Chickasaw and Virginia Quarter-Miler.
• Horse equipment or tack
Equipment used to ride a horse is referred to as tack and includes:

File information
Album name:Babes
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:#brunette #girl #shows #her #cowboy #skills #horse #colt #revolver
Filesize:129 KiB
Date added:Oct 09, 2012
Dimensions:800 x 1202 pixels
Displayed:233 times
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