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brunette girl shows off her cowboy skills with a horse and colt revolver

Brunette Girl Shows Off Her Cowboy Skills With A Horse And Colt Revolver

• Horse equipment or tack
Equipment used to ride a horse is referred to as tack and includes:
- Bridle; a Western bridle usually has a curb bit and long split reins to control the horse in many different situations. Generally the bridle is open-faced, without a noseband, unless the horse is ridden with a tiedown. Young ranch horses learning basic tasks usually are ridden in a jointed, loose-ring snaffle bit, often with a running martingale. In some areas, especially where the "California" style of the vaquero or buckaroo tradition is still strong, young horses are often seen in a bosal style hackamore.
- Martingales of various types are seen on horses that are in training or have behavior problems.

File information
Album name:Babes
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:#brunette #girl #shows #her #cowboy #skills #horse #colt #revolver
Filesize:124 KiB
Date added:Oct 09, 2012
Dimensions:800 x 1202 pixels
Displayed:274 times
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