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brunette girl shows off her cowboy skills with a horse and colt revolver

Brunette Girl Shows Off Her Cowboy Skills With A Horse And Colt Revolver

- Bridle; a Western bridle usually has a curb bit and long split reins to control the horse in many different situations. Generally the bridle is open-faced, without a noseband, unless the horse is ridden with a tiedown. Young ranch horses learning basic tasks usually are ridden in a jointed, loose-ring snaffle bit, often with a running martingale. In some areas, especially where the "California" style of the vaquero or buckaroo tradition is still strong, young horses are often seen in a bosal style hackamore.
- Martingales of various types are seen on horses that are in training or have behavior problems.
- Saddle bags (leather or nylon) can be mounted to the saddle, behind the cantle, to carry various sundry items and extra supplies. Additional bags may be attached to the front or the saddle.
- Saddle blanket; a blanket or pad is required under the Western saddle to provide comfort and protection for the horse.

File information
Album name:Babes
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:#brunette #girl #shows #her #cowboy #skills #horse #colt #revolver
Filesize:97 KiB
Date added:Oct 09, 2012
Dimensions:800 x 1202 pixels
Displayed:276 times
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