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young dark blonde girl undresses her soft corselet slip and yellow thong panties at the window

Young Dark Blonde Girl Undresses Her Soft Corselet Slip And Yellow Thong Panties At The Window

Slips made in the 1940s were mainly made of 100% rayon due to the war effort. In the late 1940s, some nylon slips began to appear on the market, and the vast majority of slips made in the 1950s were nylon.In the 1960s,slips were offered in a much more variety of colors,including multi colored slips.Slips with a floral print design were also made available.Some of the most well known slip brand names of the past are: Lorraine, Dior, Velrose, Mel-Lin, Shadowline, Wonder Maid, Warner's, Kayser, Maidenform and Van Raalte among others. There are well established slip/lingerie manufacturers still in operation today such as Vanity Fair, and Vassarette.

File information
Album name:Babes
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:#young #dark #blonde #girl #undresses #her #soft #corselet #slip #yellow #thong #panties #window
Filesize:202 KiB
Date added:Nov 20, 2012
Dimensions:1301 x 2000 pixels
Displayed:430 times
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