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young brunette girl shows off her big natural breasts on the field with hay grass

Young Brunette Girl Shows Off Her Big Natural Breasts On The Field With Hay Grass

Modern mechanized hay production today is usually performed by a number machines. While small operations use a tractor to pull various implements for mowing and raking, larger operations use specialized machines such as a mower or a swather, which are designed to cut the hay and arrange it into a windrow in one step. Balers are usually pulled by a tractor, with larger balers requiring more powerful tractors.
Mobile balers, machines which gather and bale hay in one process, were first developed around 1940. The first balers produced rectangular bales small enough for a person to lift, usually between 70 and 100 pounds each. The size and shape made it possible for people to pick bales up, stack them on a vehicle for transport to a storage area, then build a haystack by hand. However, to save labor and increase safety, loaders and stackers were also developed to mechanise the transport small bales from the field to the haystack. Later, balers were developed capable producing large bales that weigh up to 3000 pounds.

File information
Album name:Babes
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:#young #brunette #girl #shows #her #big #natural #breasts #field #hay #grass
Filesize:223 KiB
Date added:Feb 04, 2014
Dimensions:800 x 1179 pixels
Displayed:284 times
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