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young curly blonde girl with a navel piercing undresses her pink dress at the window

Young Curly Blonde Girl With A Navel Piercing Undresses Her Pink Dress At The Window

History and culture
In ancient times the body piercing was considered as sign of manliness and courage. The Egyptian Pharaohs brought earring at the navel that was a sign of ritual transition from the life at the Earth to the eternity.
The history of navel piercing has been particularly misrepresented as many of the myths promulgated by Malloy in the pamphlet Body & Genital Piercing in Brief continue to be reprinted. For instance, according to Malloy's colleague Jim Ward, Malloy claimed navel piercing was popular among ancient Egyptian aristocrats and was depicted in Egyptian statuary, a claim that is widely repeated. Other sources say there are no records to support a historical practice for navel piercing.

File information
Album name:Babes
Rating (2 votes):55555
Keywords:#young #curly #blonde #girl #navel #piercing #undresses #her #pink #dress #window
Filesize:104 KiB
Date added:Nov 17, 2017
Dimensions:800 x 1099 pixels
Displayed:95 times
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