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young blonde girl with blue eyes reveals her dress on the bench with artificial plants decoration

Young Blonde Girl With Blue Eyes Reveals Her Dress On The Bench With Artificial Plants Decoration

- Next, the veins of the leaves are impressed by means of silk screen printing with a dye, and the petals are given their natural rounded forms by goffering irons of various shapes.
- The next step is to assemble the petals and other parts of the flower, which is built up from the center outwards.
- The fifth is to mount the flower on a stalk of brass or iron wire wrapped with suitably colored material, and to add the leaves to complete the spray.
While the material most often used to make artificial flowers is polyester fabric, both paper and cloth flowers are also made with origami.

File information
Album name:Babes
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:#young #blonde #girl #blue #eyes #reveals #her #dress #bench #artificial #plants #decoration
Filesize:175 KiB
Date added:Dec 10, 2017
Dimensions:798 x 1101 pixels
Displayed:110 times
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