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cute young brunette girl shows off her body in the bathtub

Cute Young Brunette Girl Shows Off Her Body In The Bathtub

- Double Slipper Tubs - where both ends are raised and sloped.
- Double Ended Tubs - where both ends of the tub are rounded. Notice how one end of the classic tub is rounded and one is fairly flat.
- Pedestal Tub - Pedestal tubs, unlike all the styles, do not have claw feet. The tub rests on a pedestal in what most would term an art deco style. Evidence of pedestal tubs dates back to the Isle of Crete in 1000 BC.

File information
Album name:Babes
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:#cute #young #brunette #girl #shows #her #body #bathtub
Filesize:68 KiB
Date added:Dec 26, 2017
Dimensions:798 x 1013 pixels
Displayed:278 times
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