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cute young brunette girl reveals her black brassiere and panties on the old leather couch

Cute Young Brunette Girl Reveals Her Black Brassiere And Panties On The Old Leather Couch

Leather in modern culture
Due to its excellent resistance to abrasion and wind, leather found a use in rugged occupations. The enduring image of a cowboy in leather chaps gave way to the leather-jacketed and leather-helmeted aviator. When motorcycles were invented, some riders took to wearing heavy leather jackets to protect from road rash and wind blast; some also wear chaps or full leather pants to protect the lower body. Top-quality motorcycle leather is superior to any practical man-made fabric for abrasion protection and is still used in racing. Many sports still use leather to help in playing the game or protecting players; its flexibility allows it to be formed and flexed.
The term leathering is sometimes used in the sense of a physical punishment (such as a severe spanking) applied with a leather whip, martinet, etc.

File information
Album name:Babes
Rating (3 votes):55555
Keywords:#cute #young #brunette #girl #reveals #her #black #brassiere #panties #old #leather #couch
Filesize:88 KiB
Date added:Mar 20, 2018
Dimensions:798 x 1099 pixels
Displayed:317 times
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