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young curly blonde girl with blue eyes reveals her black top and panties in the wooden cottage

Young Curly Blonde Girl With Blue Eyes Reveals Her Black Top And Panties In The Wooden Cottage

Thus, in the Middle Ages, the word cottage (MLat cotagium) denoted not just a dwelling, but included at least a dwelling (domus) and a barn (grangia), as well as, usually, a fenced yard or piece of land enclosed by a gate (portum). The word is probably a blend of Old English cot, cote "hut" and Old French cot "hut, cottage", from Old Norse kot "hut".
Examples of this may be found in 15th century manor court rolls. The house of the cottage bore the Latin name: "domum dicti cotagii", while the barn of the cottage was termed "grangia dicti cotagii".
Later on, "cottage" might also have denoted a smallholding comprising houses, outbuildings, and supporting farmland or woods. A cottage, in this sense, would typically include just a few acres of tilled land. Regional examples of this type included the Welsh Tŷ unnos or House in a night, built by squatters on a plot of land defined by the throw of an axe from each corner of the property.
Much later (from around the 18th century onwards), the development of industry led to the development of weavers' cottages and miners' cottages.

File information
Album name:Babes
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:#young #curly #blonde #girl #blue #eyes #reveals #her #black #top #panties #wooden #cottage
Filesize:109 KiB
Date added:Mar 26, 2018
Dimensions:798 x 1099 pixels
Displayed:172 times
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