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curly red haired girl on logged tree trunks in the deciduous forest

Curly Red Haired Girl On Logged Tree Trunks In The Deciduous Forest

Plants with deciduous foliage have both advantages and disadvantages compared to plants with evergreen foliage. Since deciduous plants lose their leaves to conserve water or to better survive winter weather conditions, they must regrow new foliage during the next suitable growing season; this uses resources which evergreens do not need to expend. Evergreens suffer greater water loss during the winter and they also can experience greater predation pressure, especially when small. Losing leaves in winter may reduce damage from insects; repairing leaves and keeping them functional may be more costly than just losing and regrowing them. Removing leaves also reduces cavitation which can damage xylem vessels in plants. This then allows deciduous plants to have xylem vessels with larger diameters and therefore a greater rate of transpiration (and hence CO2 uptake as this occurs when stomata are open) during the summer growth period.

File information
Album name:Babes
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:#curly #red #haired #girl #logged #tree #trunks #deciduous #forest
Filesize:88 KiB
Date added:Jan 30, 2012
Dimensions:800 x 1193 pixels
Displayed:163 times
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