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young swedish blonde girl on the sand and mud bank with a driftwood and remains of trees

Young Swedish Blonde Girl On The Sand And Mud Bank With A Driftwood And Remains Of Trees

As food
Haiti consumes a large variety of different non-traditional foods in an attempt to quelch hunger pains. Mud cakes are traditionally fashioned and consumed, but items such as clay and chalk can also be eaten. Due to recent increases in food prices and growing starvation in Haiti, this habit has been extended and received much media attention.
Outside of hunger, mud and dirt can be consumed accidentally during sports and other outdoor activities. This has led to dysphemisms for poor-tasting food such as "tastes like dirt", based on the experience of getting mud, dirt, etc. in one's teeth.

File information
Album name:Babes
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:#young #swedish #blonde #girl #sand #mud #bank #driftwood #remains #trees
Filesize:145 KiB
Date added:Jun 05, 2013
Dimensions:800 x 1169 pixels
Displayed:223 times
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