Blonde Girl Undresses Her Black Panties On The Timber Roof Truss Framework With An Open Ceiling Area
The top members of a truss are known generically as the top chord, bottom members as the bottom chord, and the interior members as webs. In historic carpentry the top chords are often called rafters, and the bottom chord is an often a tie beam. There are two main types of timber roof trusses: closed, in which the bottom chord is horizontal and at the foot of the truss, and open, in which the bottom chords are raised to provide more open space, also known as raised bottom chord trusses.
Closed trusses
The terms closed truss and open truss are used in two ways to describe characteristics of truss roofs. Closed truss: 1) A truss with a tie beam; 2) a roof system with a ceiling so the framing is not visible. Open truss: 1) A truss with an interrupted tie beam or scissor truss which allow a vaulted ceiling area; 2) Roof framing open to view, not hidden by a ceiling.