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young blonde girl with full natural breasts and beauty marks shows off her body in the backyard with palm trees

Young Blonde Girl With Full Natural Breasts And Beauty Marks Shows Off Her Body In The Backyard With Palm Trees

Artificial beauty mark
False beauty marks are sometimes applied to the face as a form of make-up. Beauty marks were particularly highly regarded during the eighteenth century and creating false ones became common, often in fanciful shapes such as hearts or stars. They could be purchased as silk or velvet patches known as "mouches" (flies). Alexander Pope's 1712 poem The Rape of the Lock mentions such patches as indicators of "secular love". The Monroe piercing has gained popularity in recent years as a flexible way of approximating a beauty mark.

File information
Album name:Babes
Rating (3 votes):55555
Keywords:#young #blonde #girl #full #natural #breasts #beauty #marks #shows #her #body #backyard #palm #trees
Filesize:55 KiB
Date added:Dec 09, 2013
Dimensions:800 x 522 pixels
Displayed:311 times
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