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young blonde girl undresses her white blouse on the rocky shore at the sea

Young Blonde Girl Undresses Her White Blouse On The Rocky Shore At The Sea

Use with a Dirndl
A woman wearing a Dirndl with white blouse is usual in Bracaria in Bavaria and rural Austria. They are usually made of light fabric (textile), such as silk or cotton thin, until the early 1990s still often from soft covered by art faserstoffen (such as polyester and satin). They often have fanciful decorations (such as frills, embroidery, or grinding) and are a classic among the women's blouses -and the fashionable combination possibilities are especially varied. The open Spaten-or lapel collar is another common type of a classic ladies blouse.

File information
Album name:Babes
Rating (3 votes):55555
Keywords:#young #blonde #girl #undresses #her #white #blouse #rocky #shore #sea
Filesize:142 KiB
Date added:Apr 20, 2015
Dimensions:800 x 1128 pixels
Displayed:310 times
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