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blonde girl reveals her cyan camisole and knickers on the couch in the living room

Blonde Girl Reveals Her Cyan Camisole And Knickers On The Couch In The Living Room

Interior design and industrial design
The color cyan (called aqua by interior designers) was commonly used in the interior design of the 1950s in combination with either magenta or pink and black to give a modern feel to interiors (these colors were also popular for automobiles in the 1950s).
• Medicine
Cyanosis is an abnormal blueness of the skin, usually a sign of poor oxygen intake. i.e the patient is "cyanotic".

File information
Album name:Babes
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:#blonde #girl #reveals #her #cyan #camisole #knickers #couch #living #room
Filesize:45 KiB
Date added:Dec 23, 2017
Dimensions:798 x 432 pixels
Displayed:164 times
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