Young Blonde Girl Strips On The Floor With A Fur And Looks Through Nude Photo-books
Photographers such as Shinzō Fukuhara were producing photography books in the 1920s. The postwar years brought low-priced photography books, such as the many volumes of Iwanami Shashin Bunko. From the 1950s onward, most Japanese photographers of note have had photo-books published.
However, the simplest Japanese translation of photo-book is shashinshū (写真集), and the shashinshū section of a typical Japanese bookstore is full of books of photographs of little or no documentary or artistic merit but which instead conventionally portray currently popular celebs. Many are of cheesecake models (guradoru), or porn starlets (nūdoru); others are of singers, television personalities, professional sportswomen (often wrestlers) and so forth.